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Theo Roque
Member Since: July 4, 2017
Location: Orange California United States

Last Updated: July 4, 2017

About Me:
Hello, I am a 26 year old RF Design Engineer working for Verizon Wireless. I studied Electrical Engineering with a minor in Web Development at University of Southern California. I've lived in California my entire life. I grew up in Burbank, moved to LA for college, and am now living and working in Orange County. I've always enjoyed helping others and I'd like to commit more of my time to doing so in healthcare. In the past, I've organized a few fairly large community service events in LA including a food drive where students got together to make 5,000 sandwiches for the homeless, a clothing drive, and a soup kitchen volunteering event. I've also teamed with USC's Catholic Center to make and hand out sandwiches to the homeless living in Skid Row.
Health Specialty: Radiology
Area of Focus: I am interested in radiology. The technology is very interesting to me and I'd like to gain some exposure to this field. I don't have a lot of experience caring for patients but I do have some experience with technology so I think this would be a good place for me to to start helping.
Skills: I have a lot of experience with web development. I am also proficient with Microsoft's and Google's suite of office tools. Also, I can play the guitar. I've been playing for 10 years and I can read music and sing.
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Available To Meet Other Members: yes
Virtual Volunteer: yes
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Hobbies: I enjoy learning new things. I take classes online for fun, the latest one being U.S Health Policy on edX.com. I also enjoy working out and hiking. Also, as noted above I enjoy playing the guitar, mostly jazz/blues improvisation but recently have become interested in playing classical music.
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