A family cannot be economically healthy if it is not physically healthy. Pamoja Afrika health projects focus mainly on Women and children, who often are the most vulnerable to disease and malnutrition. We are particularly interested in increasing the capacity of our local partners NGOs to deliver quality health services. This includes getting international health volunteers and training local volunteers as counselors, mentors, general basic medical healthcare and monitors of community health. Pamoja Community is focused on interventions ranging from nutrition and education to birth spacing and clinical services.
Our reproductive health projects encompass family planning, prenatal care, labor and delivery services, and the prevention, detection and treatment of STDs, including HIV/AIDS. One of our main health projects is to eradicate HIV/AIDS in this community through education and awareness in this area. With over one third of the population affected by this infection and the numbers ever growing, this problem needs to be addressed immediately. Although our main aim is to eradicate this infection from the village, we also have to accept the high numbers living with it and the need for treatment and counseling for them. We need medical professionals and students from every profession to ensure the health of these people and to ensure they have access to basic medical health care. We aim to provide training to locals and local hospital employees to ensure the sustainability of this project.
We believe that our HIV/AIDS programs must provide information and services to vulnerable groups while addressing the underlying factors that lead people to make choices that put them at risk of infection. Pamoja's HIV/AIDS programs link with our other sectors, including health, education and economic development. Through these programs, we help communities care for children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS; we develop peer education by doing home visiting and outreach in communities; and increase access to services such as condoms, voluntary counseling and testing, anti-retroviral treatment, and STI prevention and treatment.
Advocacy on behalf of vulnerable and marginalized populations is also an important part of our work. We provide counseling, home visits, individual assessments of need, post diagnosis reintegration programs to help people integrate back into their communities. Through education and integration we aim to reduce the negative views and stigma attached to HIV and AIDS.
Pamoja Afrika, places a special focus on infant and young child feeding and related maternal nutrition practices. Proper nutrition is vital to a child's healthy development and an adult's ability to work and care for their family. We protect, promote and support optimal growth and development for children under the age of five to ensure their best chance for survival. Our projects focus on teaching techniques and practices that help prevent malnutrition, including proper breastfeeding techniques, educating families and communities about how to cultivate and prepare nutritious complementary food and strengthening local health systems. Breast feeding increases the risk of a child contracting HIV from their mother therefore; we need to educate the mothers on nutritional plans to supplement breast feeding.
We need pediatric nurses who are trained in the area of nutrition and child development, dieticians who can provide nutritional plans for the sufferers of HIV and AIDS and people with a medical background that are willing to assist us in ensuring that children are not malnourished, people with HIV and AIDS are not underweight to ensure they have a fighting chance at managing their disorder and being able to care for their families.
