A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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  • Any date available

  • Country Description:
  • Full country name: Republic of Uganda
  • Area: 236,040 sq km (91,136 sq miles)
  • Population: 30,900,000
  • Capital city: Kampala
  • Languages: English, Swahili
  • Religion: 84% Christian, 12% Muslim, 1% Indigenous religions
  • Currency: Ugandan Shillings (UGX) 2,100 UGX = 1$
  • Volunteer Description:
    Volunteers may stay in clinics for a minimum of 1 month (preferably more).

    1) Kalisizo Hospital
    This hospital has 120 beds, with 4 doctors and 207 other members of health staff. Each member of staff expects to treat 30-45 patients a day. There are 29 health units which each refer around 15-20 cases per day.

    Travelling to Kalisizo is in several steps:

    • From Entebbe Airport to Kampala is 44km – this can be done by either bus or taxi. The cost ranges from $10-15.
    • From Kampala travel to Masaka town (144km) at a cost of 7-8$. It takes around 2-3 hours.
    • From Masaka to Kalisiizo town (40-50km) a bus or taxi will cost you 4$. This is where Kalisiizo hospital is located.

    2) Kakuuto Hospital
    This hospital has 67 beds, with 2 doctors and 54 other members of health staff. Each member of staff expects to treat 15-20 patients per day. There are 14 health units which refer each refer 14-18 cases per day.

    Travelling to Kakuuto hospital consists of the steps above to Kalisiizo then:

    • From Kyotera town you travel to Mitukula-Tanzania with a 1 hour drive, which should cost 3-4$. This is a new tarmaced road. This is where Kakuuto hospital is located.

    3) Rakai Hospital

    This hospital has 100 beds, with 3 doctors and 115 other members of health staff. Each member of staff expects to treat 25-30 patients per day. There are 26 health units which each refer around 17-22 cases per day.

    Travelling to Rakai town consists of the above steps to Kalisiizo then:

    • From Kalisiizo town to Kyotera is around a 30 minute drive which should cost between 2 and 2.5$.
    • From Kyotera town to Rakai Town and District Headquaters/Rakai hospital it is 22 km which takes 40 minutes. This should cost 1.5-2$. The road here is also tarmaced.

    The following surgical procedures are carried out in the hospitals above:

    • C sections
    • Laparotomies
    • Hernia repairs
    • Fracture repairs
    • Skin grafting
    • Incision and drainage
    • Male circumcision


    Volunteers bear the cost of their own visa. Citizens of the UK and other European countries will need a tourist visa to enter Uganda at a cost ranging from £25 for a 3 month single entry. This can be obtained from the High Commission before you arrive, or at Entebbe International Airport on arrival (although on arrival you may be charged more).
    Citizens of USA, Canada and Australia also need a tourist visa at the cost of $100-120, again this can be obtained from the Commission or on arrival.

    There are no fees specifically for a Ugandan placement.

    CDC Guidelines | NHS Guidelines
    * A certificate of yellow fever vaccination may be required for entry into certain countries in East Africa.
    Apply now

    How Do I Apply?
    Follow this 3 step process:
    1. Create an account and then login to your account. Next Fill out the Online Application.
    2. Next, Print/Fill out the Paper form (PDF or DOC) and mail it to us with supporting documents.
    3. Upon receipt of your materials, we will process your application, obtain necessary work permits and deploy you to your volunteering site. Filling out the volunteering form is not a guarantee of placement, but we do try to accommodate as many volunteers as possible during the times you request. Please remember you will have to pay your own visa, temporary licensure or other governmental fees necessary. In the mean time, please gain the latest recommended immunizations
    US Citizens: Follow CDC Guidelines | UK Citizens: Follow NHS Guidelines | Other Citizens: Follow Local Guidelines
