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( searches since 2008 )

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Over 8,413,264 Searches

Over 46,302 Volunteer Connections

Over 8,057 Volunteering Opportunities

Search Help.

1) How do I search?
2) What do I do if I don't find a volunteering opportunity that fits my requirements?
3) What type of search terms are most useful?

Q. How do I search?

A. Simply visit our search page in our volunteers section and choose ANY COMBINATION of the options to search, click Search and any results will be displayed. It is important not to search by too many multiple options at the same time (i.e. volunteering opportunity description and location) as this will return results that match ALL of the options you select and you will receive less results. Keep your search terms and the number of terms as small as possible.

Q. What do I do if I don't find a volunteering opportunity that fits my requirements?

A. Check our web site again soon as we are updating and adding to our listing of health care volunteering opportunities daily. We launched our site in January, 2006 so we are still in the process of adding more opportunities and getting the word out to volunteering organizations. By the end of February, 2006 we already had hundreds of volunteering opportunities. If you are searching by location, many locations in the world do not have volunteering opportunities as our research shows that volunteering opportunities tend to occur in specific parts of the world. This has resulted in many third world areas not having any volunteering opportunities.

Q. What type of search terms are most useful?

A. Searching by location usually yields the best and most useful results.

  • Organization Name: It is best to enter only part of the organization name. For instance, if an organization name is Medical Missions to the World, it may be best just to enter "Medical" or "Missions" or "World" instead of searching by "Medical Missions to the World".
  • Volunteer Opportunity Description (Enter Keywords): Searching by terms such as "medical", "dentist", "doctor", "student" usually yield too many results. If entering a keyword it is better to search by location as most of our volunteering opportunities are for health care professionals. Also, many of our organizations allow students but may not specify this in their volunteering opportunity descriptions. You may have to email the organization to find out if it allows students to volunteer.
  • U.S. State/Country, Health Care Specialty, Religious Affiliation searches: Certain locations and religions seem to have the most volunteering opportunities. If using these search functions be aware that many of procedures and religions will return no results, while a select few will return many results.
Still have questions? Email health@healthcarevolunteer.com
