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HealthCare Volunteer - PRIVACY POLICY

We are committed to protecting online user privacy. In order to ensure your privacy, information we collect is used only in the manner and for the purposes described below. This "Privacy Statement" discloses the privacy practices governing our knowing collection, use, and disclosure of information. Capitalized terms shall have the meaning designated in the HealthCare Volunteer Terms of Service unless specifically defined in this Privacy Statement. All references herein to "we" or "us" refer to HealthCare Volunteer.

User Consent to Privacy Statement Any person accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the web site located at www.healthcarevolunteer.com or any of our affiliate sites including www.healthcarevolunteer.org, www.healthcarevolunteers.com, www.healthcarevolunteers.net, www.dentalvolunteer.com, www.dentalvolunteer.org, www.dentalvolunteer.net(the "Site"), either manually or via an automated device or program, shall be considered a "Visitor." Further, a Visitor who registers at the Site, downloads, and/or engages in any of our services shall be considered a "User." All Visitors are bound by the terms of this Privacy Statement. Visitors consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of Visitor information pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Statement.

To join HealthCare Volunteer, you are required to submit your name, country of residence and email address ("Personally Identifiable Information"). We store all Personally Identifiable Information. We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information from Visitors who are not Users. We collect and store Visitors' site referral information, browsing patterns, search statistics, technical information (e.g., the Visitor's browser version, IP address, and operating system), and other Site use information through the use of "Cookies" ("Personally Identifiable Information"). (For more information regarding Cookies, see below.) We associate the Information obtained about a User to the User's Personally Identifiable Information.

Information Collected
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide certain personal information to us. All uses of your personal information will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated by reference. If you use the Site and/or the Services, you are accepting the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to have your information used in any of the ways described in the Privacy Policy, you must discontinue use of the Site and/or the Services.

The types of personal information ("Personally Identifiable Information") we may collect are:

For potential volunteers that access our site through www.healthcarevolunteer.com or through one of our Partner methods/ eb sites: First and Last Name, Email address, Telephone number, Address, City and State, Zip Code, Comments about volunteer opportunity, Username and Password, Inquiry history, Customized email preferences, Volunteering Resume, Healthcare specialties, education, medical background, press release information and content, location volunteering address.

For potential organizations that access our site through www.healthcarevolunteer.com or through one of our Partner methods web sites: Group Volunteer Director First and Last Name, Email address, Telephone number, Address, City and State, Zip Code, locations served, Comments about volunteer opportunity, affiliations with universities, program length, religious affiliations, web site URL, volunteering title & descriptions, # of volunteers needed, duration of volunteering opportunity, maps address, Username and Password, Inquiry history, Customized email preferences, Healthcare specialties, volunteering applications, organization logo (trademarked or non-trademarked) and volunteering pictures. By submitting any photos on our web site you agree that you have exclusive rights to these images and volunteering applications and that we may have an exclusive free of charge license to use these images on our site in any way whatsoever.

For Volunteeer Organizations: If you submit Information to us as a volunteer organization, then, subject to the terms and conditions of being a organization member of our network. Your organization information can we accessed by anyone who accesses our site. Volunteer organizationswho receive email addresses from potential volunteer signups are strongly encouraged to adopt privacy standards similar to those of HealthCare Volunteer. Each such organization, however, has its own policies regarding collection and use of personal information and we are not responsible for their use of your Information. Inappropriate use of personal information received from HealthCare Volunteer may jeopardize an organization's membership with HealthCare Volunteer. HealthCare Volunteer reserves the right to determine, in its discretion, what constitutes inappropriate use of this information. For more about a volunteering organization's policy, please contact them directly using the contact information posted for that organization on our site.

Cookies We use a feature of Internet Web browsers called a "Cookie", which is a file that a Visitor's Web browser places on a Visitor's computer's hard drive, to assign an identification code to the computer and to collect and store Information. We associate the Information obtained about a User to the User's Personally Identifiable Information. We do not and cannot use Cookies to retrieve individual Personally Identifiable Information about Visitors from a Visitor's computer unless the Visitor knowingly and willingly provided such information. Cookies do not contain any credit card information. The Cookie technology we use cannot obtain information from a Visitor's hard drive or pass on a computer virus. If you choose to reject the Cookies, some areas of the Site may not function properly or may not be accessible.

Questionnaires and Surveys From time to time, we may ask you to complete questionnaires or surveys, which we use to obtain additional demographic information about our users, to measure and improve the quality of our service and to better assess your interests and needs. If we ask you to complete a survey or questionnaire, we will explain how we intend to use the information that you provide to us. You always have the option of not responding to any questionnaire or survey.

Aggregated General Information In addition, we may share aggregated general information about our Site with our business partners, health organizations, universities or the general public. For example, we may share information regarding the daily number of unique users to our Site with potential corporate partners or others. We may decide to share organization demographics and volunteer searches statistics for research use and possible publication, but we will not share Personally Identifiable Information for this purpose. By using this site, you agree that all data we collect is our proprietary data. Aggregated data does not contain any information that could be used to contact or identify you.

Opting-out of communications Individuals who serve as administrators for their organization by registering and maintaining their organizations' information and membership, are the only group required to receive HealthCare Volunteer communications. Any other communications we send are sent until a organization or volunteer emails our support team at health@healthcarevolunteer.com to opt out of future communications. This will ensure that you will cease receiving future communications from us or cease receiving our email-based services. Also, organizations may update their preferences to stop receiving emails using their logins on our web site.

Third-party Access and Use Occasionally, we or our Partners hire third-party service providers to help provide or improve the services we offer you. Sometimes it is necessary for these providers to have access to the Information we collect about you. In those cases, we take reasonable steps to ensure that these providers do not use or otherwise disclose any Personally Identifiable Information we collect about you except for the purpose of fulfilling their service obligations to us and our Partners. We may share your Information with third-party service providers in connection with the following: Some of our corporate partners will match your volunteer hours contribution with a donation. In such cases, we will hire third-party service providers to help calculate the corporate partner's donation amount. Our corporate partners may also hire third-party service providers to help coordinate volunteer events. We may share information with these third-party service providers in order to facilitate coordination of these events. Please note that we cannot be responsible for the information you submit directly to third parties, including our Partners, who may have their own posted policies regarding the collection and use of your information. We urge you to review the policies of our Partners through whom you may access our services. Information collected from volunteer organization members may be shared with other websites, in order to advertise volunteer events. We share aggregate information about our users with certain third parties. This information shows user activity as a whole rather than on an individual basis; such aggregate information cannot be used to individually identify you. We use aggregated information we collect about users to continue to improve our service for you. We may also choose to license out our database so that your data can be viewed via other web sites and networks. In the event that another company acquires all or substantially all of the assets related to the non-profit business of HealthCare Volunteer, we reserve the right to include Information and Personally Identifiable Information among the assets transferred to the acquiring company. In the unlikely event that HealthCare Volunteer undergoes a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of its assets, the acquiring entity will be subject to this Privacy Policy in its use of your Personally Identifiable Information. In addition, in the further unlikely event that HealthCare Volunteer is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent (a) there will be no further use or disclosure of your Personally Identifiable Information by HealthCare Volunteer and (b) your personally identifiable Information will be destroyed. In addition, there will be no use or disclosure of your personally identifiable Information by any entity that acquires assets of HealthCare Volunteer pursuant to such bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings.
Your privacy is very important to us. Due to factors beyond our control, however, we cannot fully ensure that your Information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, we may be legally obligated to disclose Information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may circumvent our security measures to unlawfully intercept or access your Personal identifiable Information.

Linked Internet Web Sites The Site provides hyperlinks, which are highlighted words or pictures within a hypertext document that, when clicked, take you to another place within the document or to another document altogether, to other web sites not controlled by us. These hyperlinked web sites may contain privacy provisions that are different from those provided herein. We are not responsible for the collection, use, or disclosure of information collected through these web sites, and we expressly disclaim any and all liability related to such collection, use, or disclosure.

Children's Privacy Children under age 13 are welcome to volunteer. Due to our status as a non-profit organization, we are not required to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). However, we strongly encourage anyone aged thirteen and under to use our services only with parental consent. Many of our member organizations also require a minimum age.

Security This Site has password security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the Information and Personally Identifiable Information under our control. We make no representations or warranties with regard to the sufficiency of these security measures. We shall not be responsible for any actual or consequential damages that result from a lapse in compliance with this Privacy Statement as a result of a security breach or technical malfunction.

Amendments to Privacy Statement We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement periodically. Use of Information and Personally Identifiable Information that we gather now is subject to the Privacy Statement in effect at the time the Information or Personally Identifiable Information is used. Any amendments made to this Privacy Statement will be considered effective ten (10) days after the amendments are posted on the Site.

Submissions We appreciate and will consider any comments you may have on our Site, our services, forums, service, or ideas you may have on how to improve them. Please email us with your feedback at health@healthcarevolunteer.com. Please note that by doing so, or by otherwise posting, uploading, inputting, providing or submitting ("Posting") your comments, images, organization press releases, logos, trademarked material, copyrighted material, feedback, concepts, know-how, techniques, software, or ideas ("Submission"), you irrevocably assign free of charge, all worldwide rights, title and interest in all copyrights, patent rights, and all other intellectual property rights in the Submission to HealthCare Volunteer, its successors and assigns. You agree to cooperate with HealthCare Volunteer, its successors, and assigns, in perfecting such intellectual property rights. Without limitation, HealthCare Volunteer, its affiliated companies and its licensees, will be entitled to use your Submission on an unrestricted basis, for any purpose whatsoever, including, to: develop, manufacture and market products incorporating such Submission, to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate, and reformat your Submission; to publish your name in connection with your Submission; and the unrestricted right to license such rights. HealthCare Volunteer does not wish to receive any submission that is confidential or proprietary. You agree not to post or otherwise provide any submission that you consider confidential or proprietary, and any submissions you post will be deemed and treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. In addition, do not post any Submissions that you do not want to assign to HealthCare Volunteer. No compensation will be paid or is due with respect to the assignment or use of your Submission, as provided herein. HealthCare Volunteer is under no obligation to post or use any Submission you may provide. By Posting a Submission you warrant and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to your Submission including, without limitation, all the rights necessary for you to assign, provide, post, upload, input or submit the Submission.

Contact Information If Visitors have any questions about our products, services or Privacy Statement or to correct your Registration Information, please contact HealthCare Volunteer Support, P.O. Box #251444, Los Angeles, CA 90025-1444 USA

Visitors may also email health@healthcarevolunteer.com with questions about our Privacy Statement, with questions about our products and services, or to correct your Registration Information.

Effective Jan. 1, 2006