A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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Home > Organzations
( searches since 2008 )

Over 3,921 Organizations

Over 10,295,851 Searches

Over 293,137 Volunteer Connections

Over 191,001 Patient Connections
Why should I sign my volunteering, non-profit, NGO or other organization up?

  1. Reach thousands of healthcare volunteers, job seekers interested in health related volunteering and work.
  2. Every listing and service on our web site is 100% free!
  3. Add short-term and long-term volunteering and job positions and opportunities.
  4. New!* Add job listings for free!
  5. Upload your organization's logo, two volunteering pictures and a volunteering application to expedite the volunteer linking process.
  6. Send out updates to your organization's mailing list, submit press releases, add to our Global volunteering calendar and much more all for free.
  7. New!* Add a map to your volunteering or work location!
  8. New!* Manage your volunteers, # of hours they've served, and their contact information in easy to use tables!
  9. Coming Soon* Create your own online volunteer applications, track inquiry metrics and take donations online!
  10. See our Help Section for more
  11. We just launched our newest service featuring Google Maps version 2.0 for all our organizations. What's changed?
How do I find volunteers or employees to join my organization?

First, list your organization with us for free, and you can register your organization and add short and long term volunteering positions/events and jobs for free. Everyday people with no health care training, physicians, hospice volunteers, dentists, cancer society receptionists, orphanage volunteers, pre-medical students, hospital flower shop volunteers, veterinarians, administrative volunteers, 5K/10K runners benefiting health care, pharmacists, medical library volunteers, dentists, disaster-relief volunteers, medical students, surgeons, optometrists, podiatrists, medical escorts, dental students, pharmacy students, dental hygenists, nurses and even other caring people visit our site to volunteer in health care globally. We've seen everybody from doctors to Peace Corps workers to the layperson coming to our site to find health care volunteering opportunities. The best way to find volunteers or employees is to post a listing on our free listing service.

What kind of Jobs can I list?

First, list your organization with us for free, and you can register your organization and add short and long term jobs for free. Jobs can range from positions for health workers to volunteer coordinators to financial analysts to helicopter pilots for disaster relief missions, etc. All listings are 100% free.

Who can start an organization?

Non-profit organizations, hospitals, clinics, senior centers, convalescent hospitals, volunteer health care missions, religious groups, medical/dental/pharmacy/nursing/vetinarian/optometry school-based groups, and any other individual with a desire to help can start a volunteering organization and enter their health care volunteering opportunities on our site. For-profit organizations, clinics and hospitals may list legitimate volunteer opportunities as well.

1) Add an opportunity

  • Let people with specific country, specialty experiences or even school preferences find your organization's health care volunteering opportunity
  • Let people with specific date preferences search our calendar system to find your organization's health care volunteering opportunities