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Alameda County Medical Center-Highland Campus
1411 East 31st Street
Oakland,CA,94602-1018,United States

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Last Updated: 10.17.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Highland Hospital opened its doors to the community in 1927, and has always provided an assured source of care for all Alameda County residents, regardless of ability to pay. With the opening of the Koret Foundation Critical Care and Clinical Center in 2004, ACMC offers a modern, attractive and well-equipped facility for emergency care, outpatient visits, surgery and other services.

Who Are Our Volunteers?
ACMC volunteers are men and women from all over the bay area who care about the community our patients and the services that ACMC provides. They contribute their time and energy to assist the hospital and patients in a wide variety of activities.

What are we looking for in a volunteer?
We are looking for honest and dependable individuals willing to make a 6-month commitment of 4 hours per week. Volunteers must be caring have respect for all individuals.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Alameda County Medical Center-Highland Campus.