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Athens-Limestone Hospital
700 West Market Street
Athens,AL,35611,United States

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Last Updated: 08.17.06
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Countries/States Served: AL
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Athens-Limestone Hospital volunteers can be found throughout the hospital performing a variety of duties:

Auxiliary Volunteers
Auxiliary volunteers usually work one four hour shift per week in the gift shop or in the surgical waiting area.
Click Here for the Gift Shop
The Auxiliary volunteers hold several fund-raisers throughout the year, such as jewelry, book and candle sales. Proceeds from these sales are used to purchase much needed equipment for the hospital.

The Auxiliary, along with the hospital Home Health Department operate the Lifeline service. Lifeline is a personal response system that provides assistance at the press of a button, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This can help elderly and disabled individuals live more safely and confidently in their own home. The Auxiliary purchase the lifeline devices and are responsible for monthly billing of the clients. The Home Health staff install the devices in the home and instruct the clients on usage.

Jr. Volunteer Program
The Auxiliary also offers a Summer Jr. Volunteer Program for students age 14-18. Jr. Volunteers work June and July in various areas of the hospital depending on their particular interest and hours of availability. To apply contact Felicia Lambert by the end of May at 233-9290.

Auxiliary Scholarship
The Auxiliary fund four 1000 scholarships each year to graduating high school seniors. Both city and county students are eligible. To apply, contact your high school counselor for an application.

Red Cross Volunteers
Red Cross volunteers staff the information desk at the hospital. They greet patients and visitors and direct them to the appropriate area. Red Cross volunteers usually work one four hour shift per week. Red Cross volunteers also deliver cards and flowers to patient rooms and assist in discharging patients from the hospital.

Volunteers help out with many other activities such as
Blood Drives
Open House Events
Health Screenings
Various clerical duties
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Athens-Limestone Hospital.