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Baptist Medical Center Nassau
1250 South 18th Street
Fernandina Beach,FL,32034-3098,United States

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Last Updated: 11.21.06
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Countries/States Served: FL
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Baptist Health continues to fulfill its mission to the Duval, Nassau, and northern St. Johns county area with the same dedication to excellence that has been a hallmark since 1955. Our Auxilians are special people with large hearts and warm smiles who give of themselves to others. Join our Auxiliary and share the good vibrations that result from volunteering at Baptist Health.

Baptist Health Auxilians, at all five hospitals, provide time and invaluable assistance to staff, patients, and their families. Thousands of hours are donated annually by more than 1,000 volunteers who give unselfishly of their time and talents. These volunteers also raise significant funds to offset the cost of caring for the areas residents by allowing Baptist Health to offer new services and technology.

By spending only three to four hours of service a week, you can be an Active Member of one of Baptist Healths Auxiliaries Our members represent all ages and sectors of the community. If you are young at heart, energetic, and want to interact with patients, families, and staff, this is the place for you. Your participation will make a difference.

Areas of service include:
Administrative Information Desk
Patient Escort
Waiting Room Concierge/Liaison
Flower and Mail Delivery
Gift Shop
Nursing Assistant
Pastoral Care
Special Projects
Activity Cart
School Tours
Hospitality Cart
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
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