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Beacon Hospice
1 Catamore Blvd
East Providence,RI,02914,United States

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Last Updated: 08.06.08
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Countries/States Served: MA, ME, RI, NH, CT
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Beacon Hospice Seeks Local Volunteers needed for More than 1 year
Opportunity Description: Beacon Hospice provides quality end-of-life care to local terminally-ill patients throughout Rhode Island and relies on volunteers to ensure the delivery of extraordinary care to these patients. Volunteers can provide much needed support to patients and their families in a number of ways including: • visiting with patients on an ongoing basis, • sitting vigils, • scrap booking, and, • knitting blankets For more information, interested volunteers should contact Susan Schank Volunteer Coordinator for Northern RI at 401-438-0008 or sschank@beaconhospice.com, Robin Barlow Volunteer Coordinator for East Bay at 401-438-0008 rbarlow@beaconhospice.com, and John DaSilva Volunteer Coordinator for Southern RI at 401-884-3845 or jdasilva@beaconhospice.com.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Someone Needs Your Help Today… Beacon Hospice (Rhode Island) needed for More than 1 year
Opportunity Description: Your gift is your presence. No matter who you are, you have something to offer hospice patients. Typically, the needs are simple – companionship and friendship, emotional support, someone to listen – but the small things you do can make an enormous difference in someone’s life. Volunteering takes many forms. You can assist patients by reading, writing letters, playing music, or just sitting quietly. You could also offer your knitting and crocheting skills for our patients. Beacon’s volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team. Our services cover all of Rhode Island. Our comprehensive training program is offered on an ongoing basis throughout Rhode Island and will prepare you to offer your vital support. Volunteers are supervised by a Volunteer Coordinator and are supported by other members of the patient care team. To find out more about this opportunity call Robin Barlow Volunteer Coordinator for East Bay at 401-438-0008 rbarlow@beaconhospice.com, John DaSilva Volunteer Coordinator for Southern RI at 401-884-3845 or jdasilva@beaconhospice.com and Susan Schank at (401) 438 -0008 or email sschank@beaconhospice.com. I am looking forward to telling you more about the joys of volunteering.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Gift of time appreciated needed for More than 1 year
Opportunity Description: Beacon Hospice in Rhode Island seeks caring and dependable individuals from across Rhode Island to provide time to terminally ill patients. Activities include reading, watching TV, playing games, talking and spending time outside. It’s the little thinks that volunteers do that make the patients have great days. This is a great way to change someone else’s life with the simple gift of time and companionship. There is a free training course that is required. For more information please contact John DaSilva Volunteer Coordinator for Southern RI at 401-884-3845 or jdasilva@beaconhospice.com, Susan Schank at (401) 438 – 0008 or sschank@beaconhospice.com and Robin Barlow Volunteer Coordinator for East Bay at 401-438-0008 rbarlow@beaconhospice.com
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 15
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Beacon Hospice provides the best end-of-life care in New England through an interdisciplinary team that supports patients and families.
Trips and Activities
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