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Beluga School for Life
Schlachte 22
Bremen,ZZ,28199 ,Germany

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Last Updated: 11.03.08
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Countries/States Served: Thailand
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Nursing, Agriculture/farming, Dental Assistant, Health Educator, High School Student, Journalist, Marketing, Massage Therapist, Meal Preparation, Office Assistant/Clerical, Painter, Translator, Teacher
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, Thai
Religious Affiliations:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The Beluga School for Life (BSfL) is an aid project in Thailand for children in need. On December 26th, 2004, a tsunami caused devastating damages throughout wide areas of coastal regions in Southeast Asia - the south of Thailand and primarily the region surrounding Khao Lak was also affected. Among the survivors were numerous children, who lost their mother, their father, or even both parents and many relatives. These children required urgent help

That is why the Beluga Shipping GmbH has created an aid project for these children and their surviving relatives: the Beluga School for Life in Khao Lak. Meanwhile, this aid project has developed into a small village community including a school and a kindergarten. Teaching at the Beluga School for Life commenced in May 2007.

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