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Benemerita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia
Eloy Alfaro 2402 y Bolivia

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Last Updated: 08.19.15
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Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Nursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
The Benemerita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia foundation was founded in 1905.
The organization includes 4 entities which are: Leon Becerra children’s hospital, Ines Chambers orphanage, San Jose school, Ronda de Angeles nursery.
Since its creation, Leon Becerra’s hospital has targeted the neediest families in the area where it is located: the south center of Guayaquil city, Ecuador.
The hospital’s mission is giving medical attention to satisfy the patients’ needs, promoting high levels of quality, within the frame of bioethics, in the perspective of applying management with social and competitive pricing in hospitalization, and governmental provision in the objective of having the necessary funds to maintain administrative and medical cares.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Benemerita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia.