A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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151 Ellis St., NE
Atlanta,GA,303032439,United States

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 12.20.05
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Countries/States Served: Guatemala, Peru, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Jordan, Cote D'Ivoire, Cameroon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Togo
People Utilized or Employed: Infectious Disease, Nursing, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
CARE is a large, international development organization that often has positions open for experienced, qualified health care professionals. They regularly publish a job listing that is available from the above address. Some impressive statistics about CARE: With an annual budget of $367 million, CARE distributes 369,000 metric tons of food, immunizes over a million people, finances 78,000 small business loans with 60% of those loans going to women, and dozens of other projects. 92% of the donations CARE receives reach the communities CARE serves. If anyone is interested in volunteering within the U.S., they may apply to the Human Resources Department at CARE Headquarters or directly with a CARE field office. Volunteers are needed for clerical duties and for certain fund-raising efforts. If they would like the location and telephone numbers of field offices, please call (404) 681-2552, ext. 228. Internationally, due to legal and insurance reasons, CARE does not use volunteers. Whenever possible, CARE hires locally to enhance and expand in-country skills and knowledge. Most programs require specific expertise, which will be needed for the duration of the program and require three to five years of experience. Job opportunities and application information can be found on CARE's web site at www.care.org .
Trips and Activities
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