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Capital Regional Medical Center
2626 Capital Medical Boulevard
Tallahassee,FL,32308-4499,United States

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Last Updated: 11.29.06
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Countries/States Served: FL
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Established in 1979, Capital Regional Medical Center has 180 state-licensed beds and serves residents of North Florida and South Georgia. The staff of Capital Regional are the finest in the region, and our highest priority is patient and family satisfaction.

Volunteers help Capital Regional Medical Center in many ways while receiving something in return. As a Volunteer, you will discover the pleasure of receiving a grateful smile or a word of appreciation from a patient or family member. Also, volunteering takes as little time as you choose and it is an opportunity to give a little of yourself.

Providing a little tender loving care and concern to patients and their families as well as providing services that otherwise would not be available. Services provided by volunteers include:
-Greeting and guiding patients and visitors.
-Keeping in touch with the surgical progress of a patient.
-Helping in the gift shop.
-Keeping families of critical care and emergency room patients informed.
-Taking the refreshment cart to the patients and their families.
-Giving assistance in outpatient areas.
-Making special projects during the holidays for patients.
Map To Our Volunteering Location
1542 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA
Trips and Activities
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