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Child Survival Aid Ghana
P.O.Box TN 1661, Teshie Nungua-Estates

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Last Updated: 07.27.10
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Countries/States Served: GH, GH
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Trainable Volunteers, Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, English, English
Religious Affiliations: Christian
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Health Care needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: Currently, it is embarking on community educational and health cares programmes for children in rural community of North and South Tongu in the Volta Region to help improve learning and reading of the children. As an organization, CSAG sees it a core duty to improve the educational standard of children and other disadvantaged in societies. Currently, it is implementing community programme on in and out school reading and learning initiative to help children improve in the education; we are recruiting volunteers from all over the world to facilitate the program in the following areas: Provide teaching service to school children from nursery, primary through senior high school. Provide In-Service Training and educational administrative skills to young recruited non professional teachers and head of refugee managed schools. Provide career guidance and counseling services to school children and young adults. Develop proposals for fund raising in support of various aspect of the program. Collecting educational aid and other forms of material such cloths, schools medical aid etc to support the community. Provide income generating training skills to youth and women Develop community youth programme that would arrest the migration of youth to urban centre or cities. What You Can Do To Help As a volunteer in Ghana, you will have the chance to help out in many ways - including • Spend quality time with the children listening and talking (their favorite) • Help the children with reading and their home work • Practice English with the children • Help us with organizing and updating our Web site • Launch a CSAG Environmental Club, reading club, child right club etc • Teach computer classes • Teach the children games and sports • Garden so the children have fresh veggies and fruit • Help us repair bunk beds, desks and paint • Build a small library • Teach music, art and/or drama • Film our projects and help us get support •Help us with grant writing to foundations •Setup micro loans for small businesses for women •Young graduates, male or female, from any part of the world who can speak and write English language either as an official language or a second language or with a passionate desire to help the disadvantaged in diverse way and 18 years and above can apply. •Persons with teaching, social work and nursing backgrounds are especially needed, but there are all kinds of skills that are welcome. Benefits to Beneficiary community School enrollment of refugee children and other disadvantaged / street children will be improved since challenges confronting them will be gradually but consistently be addressed. The poor health situation confronting children and its community will be improved through the provision of medical aid to those who cannot afford their medical expenses, increase medical professional to reduce the high rate o doctor-patient ratio among others. Benefits to the Volunteer Young graduate’s volunteers will benefit in the following ways: Improve on your social and technical skills transferable to any business environment. Develop interpersonal, team building and practical problem solving skills through their interactions with the disadvantaged. Explore career opportunities since you will be gaining hand-on work experience needed to take up international assignment. Requirements to participate you must: • Be 18 years of age OR have a guardian's consent • Be in good health and exercise regularly • Have no history of high altitude sickness • Have no criminal background • Have a positive attitude and teamwork mentality • Be familiar with traveling and different cultures • Be open to change and prepared to adapt to a developing nation
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 10
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Education needed for
Opportunity Description: Currently, it is embarking on community educational and health cares programmes for children in rural community of North and South Tongu in the Volta Region to help improve learning and reading of the children. As an organization, CSAG sees it a core duty to improve the educational standard of children and other disadvantaged in societies. Currently, it is implementing community programme on in and out school reading and learning initiative to help children improve in the education; we are recruiting volunteers from all over the world to facilitate the program in the following areas: Provide teaching service to school children from nursery, primary through senior high school. Provide In-Service Training and educational administrative skills to young recruited non professional teachers and head of refugee managed schools. Provide career guidance and counseling services to school children and young adults. Develop proposals for fund raising in support of various aspect of the program. Collecting educational aid and other forms of material such cloths, schools medical aid etc to support the community. Provide income generating training skills to youth and women Develop community youth programme that would arrest the migration of youth to urban centre or cities. What You Can Do To Help As a volunteer in Ghana, you will have the chance to help out in many ways - including • Spend quality time with the children listening and talking (their favorite) • Help the children with reading and their home work • Practice English with the children • Help us with organizing and updating our Web site • Launch a CSAG Environmental Club, reading club, child right club etc • Teach computer classes • Teach the children games and sports • Garden so the children have fresh veggies and fruit • Help us repair bunk beds, desks and paint • Build a small library • Teach music, art and/or drama • Film our projects and help us get support •Help us with grant writing to foundations •Setup micro loans for small businesses for women •Young graduates, male or female, from any part of the world who can speak and write English language either as an official language or a second language or with a passionate desire to help the disadvantaged in diverse way and 18 years and above can apply. •Persons with teaching, social work and nursing backgrounds are especially needed, but there are all kinds of skills that are welcome. Benefits to Beneficiary community School enrollment of refugee children and other disadvantaged / street children will be improved since challenges confronting them will be gradually but consistently be addressed. The poor health situation confronting children and its community will be improved through the provision of medical aid to those who cannot afford their medical expenses, increase medical professional to reduce the high rate o doctor-patient ratio among others. Benefits to the Volunteer Young graduate’s volunteers will benefit in the following ways: Improve on your social and technical skills transferable to any business environment. Develop interpersonal, team building and practical problem solving skills through their interactions with the disadvantaged. Explore career opportunities since you will be gaining hand-on work experience needed to take up international assignment. Requirements to participate you must: • Be 18 years of age OR have a guardian's consent • Be in good health and exercise regularly • Have no history of high altitude sickness • Have no criminal background • Have a positive attitude and teamwork mentality • Be familiar with traveling and different cultures • Be open to change and prepared to adapt to a developing nation
Total Number of Volunteers Needed:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Child Survival Aid Ghana is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) assisting children of all races and needs, administering to their physical, emotional and educational needs of deprived children and orphans in the rural communities by providing them with the necessary assistance and support they need in education and vocational training to build foundation of hope for the future within their communities they live with skills and services they need to become the solution to their problems. This will be achieved through providing, promoting and advancing children rights to basic necessities which include education and health care and other social services, aimed at sustaining their long term development.

Child Survival Aid Ghana has legally registered with the Registrar General Department of Ghana a body mandated by the laws of Ghana for the registration of organizations with certificate No. G 6295 and Department of Social Welfare which is also another body mandated by the laws of Ghana for the registration of non profit-making organizations in Ghana with certificate No. DSW. 1927.

Our Focus:- is to encourage children to read by placing in their hands literature relating to their own experiences. We will give these children books which encourage them to dream and use their imaginations. Help children living in socio-economic hardship and abject poverty by providing the basic necessities and opportunity for these children to attend school.

Our Vision: - Is to continue assisting children, orphans and cooperating with other organizations, , volunteers groups, churches and institutions throughout the world that share the same commitment to children and orphans, maintenance, support, education and welfare of the needy children, and the maintenance and education of young adults seeking higher education, health care that enabling them to become responsible citizens of the global community

Our Mission:- Is to improve the conditions of children and orphans living in difficult circumstances in rural communities through advocacy, education, vocational training skills, and child community projects that address the needs and well being of these children and orphans, especially in the area of education and vocational training. We believe that every child has the right to enjoy childhood as well as to learn to read and write. And this will be achieved through the following:
• Providing the basic needs to children and other necessities that enhance the well being of children in the communities.
• Have a well built permanent school blocks to accommodation children for life skills education learning.
• To develop a healthy and productive life for underprivileged children and orphans who deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams and fulfilling their full potential to become responsible citizens for future.
Our goal: - Is based on the fact that as child focused organization, CSAG believe that the development of children is through education and vocational skills training that is the only way to reduce poverty among children in rural communities. The project is intended to develop their self esteem and life skills for self reliance through the following:-

To create a positive and child interactive friendly learning environment in the communities that will stimulate and encourages the children’s pride in education and independent studies.
To ensure the right to education to all deprived children in rural communities of school going age.
To change the life of the children learning under tree by helping them physically, emotionally, spiritually and support that they need to build strong foundation of hope for the future within their communities through life skills education for all children within the communities without prejudice, showing the compassion of Jesus Christ, honoring our creator. Children are precious asset of from God and are placed under our care and they need our help to grow to their full potential.
Trips and Activities
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