A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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Concern America
2020 N Broadway, PO Box 1790
Santa Ana,CA,92702,United States

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Last Updated: 12.25.05
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Countries/States Served: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Mozambique
People Utilized or Employed: Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Types of Students Allowed:
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Religious Affiliations: Christian
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Concern America is an international development and refugee aid organization. Through the work of volunteers, who are professions in their fields, C/A assists impoverished communities and refugees in developing countries in their efforts to improve their living conditions. This is done with the goal of having the communities be self-sufficient before our programs end. 2 year service length minimum Speak spanish except in Mozambique where Portugese is required. Small monthly stipend, and a repatriation allowance of $50/month the first year, $100/month the second year, and $150/month the third year.
Trips and Activities
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