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Last Updated: 12.25.05
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Countries/States Served: Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico
People Utilized or Employed: Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Curamericas formerly know as Andean Rural Health Care (ARHC) is a non-profit, private voluntary organization that provides preventive and curative health care to children, families and communities through Latin America. "Moved by our faith, we are committed to the measurable improvement of health and the prevention of unnecessary suffering, sickness and death. We bring hope through health, working throuhg self-sustaining local partnerships in communities lacking access to basic services. Basic principles guide Curamericas' work: - A Census-Based, Impact-Oriented methodology offers great potential for strengthening the effectiveness of local health programs in impoverished communities while fostering community ownership and long term sustainability. - Curamericas program impacts are measured and reported. - The community driven health care approach maintains a strong partnership with beneficiary communities in order to ensure effective planning, implementation and evaluation. - Curamericas and its national and local partners assure equitable health service access and availability within its beneficiary areas; and - The innovative capacity building component is base on the training and education of native nurses and health volunteers. Curamericas has been working for 18 years with its Bolivian partner organization, Consejo de Salud Rural Andino, currently serves more than 200 communitites and 75,000 individuals. Encompassing 2 distinct cultural and ecological regions of Bolivia. Curamericas has established community driven health care programs and clinics in the municipalities of Acoraimes, Carabuco, Ambana and Puerto Acosta in the highlands of Bolivia and Montero in the tropical part. - In Bolivia Curamericas serve 200 communities within 5 project sites, Ancoraimes, Carabuco, Ambana and Puerto Acosta located in the rural highlands of Bolivia and Montero in a semi-urban area in the lowlands of Bolivia. - In Guatemala, Curamericas serve to 12 communities in the Departament of Huehuetenango serving 7.500 individuals. - In Mexico, Curamericas works with 11 colonias serving a population of over 8,500 in the northeast section of Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. Service Length? Min:2 weeks Usual: 2 weeks Max: 3 months Who Pays? Transp: Vol Housing: Vol Food: Vol flunet spanish; experience preferred Volunteers pay about $1,600/month for food and lodging.
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