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DRH Lindersvold
5 Lindersvoldvej

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 11.04.11
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Countries/States Served: DK, IN, ZM, GW, AO, MZ, NA, MA, MS, CA, ZA, NO, UK, CN, VC, DE, CH
People Utilized or Employed: Infectious Disease, Family Medicine, Infectious Disease
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students
Program Length: Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
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Religious Affiliations:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
DRH Lindersvold in cooperation with One World University

Become an Activist - Volunteer + gain a University certificates

We offer two programs:

Development Instructor Fighting With the Poor (24 months)
[With or without B-certificate Fighting with the Poor] It is 24 months program with 5 different periods:

1st period is 6 months with training and studies of international relations specializing in Nord/South, Richer and The Poor.
2nd period is 3 months with fundraising, working, saving and preparing for travel.
3rd period is 3 months travel in trio or solo or double team to destination in third World.
4th period is 6 months of work in Humana People to People development project as trio.
5th period is 6 months with presentations, actions and journalism in public arena.

B – certificate Fighting with The Poor and B – certificate in Pedagogy(24 months)
[B-certificate is equals of 1 year of credits]. It is 24 months program.

1st period is 12 months in Denmark.
Working with second-hand clothes collection or as assistant of teacher in Day school + Studies and Exams.
2nd period is 8 months in Africa or India:
1. 4 months in Development Project. Teaching for free + Studying Pedagogy
2. 4 months in Development Project. Teaching for free + Studying Fighting with The Poor.
3rd period is 4 months in Denmark.
Teaching for funds + The Journal. Final Exams

Think global - Act local

More information:
DRH Lindersvold
Phone: +45 30125051
Trips and Activities
No trips found for DRH Lindersvold.