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Elghana volunteer in Africa healthcare program
1604 roof drive, #110
manhattan,Ka,66502,United States

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Last Updated: 12.05.15
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Countries/States Served: Ghana, Kenya
People Utilized or Employed: Pre-medical Student, Pre-nursing Student, Pre-pharmacy student, Pre-dental student, Dental Student, Medical Student, Midwifery student, Nursing Student, Physical Therapy, Certified Nursing Assistant
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Job Openings (Paid Positions)
Join our group medical mission trip needed in Ghana, Zambia, Uganda
Job Description: Doctors, Nurses, Students and anyone willing to help can join this team which set up mobile clinics in poor villages with no health facility or any in sight of about 100 km. https://www.elghana.com/group-medical-mission-volunteer-work-opportunities/
Job Duration: Less than 1 month
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Nurses, Medical Student, Student Nurse, pre-med students placement in a local clinic needed in Ghana, Uganda, Zambia
Job Description: Medical Volunteer placement is an opportunity for nurses, medical students, student nurses, pre-med students, pharmacy students and any health related programs students to help and learn from local medical staff. Placements are done in healthcare facility where your skills shall be needed to support the limited staff and trained to provide additional support. https://www.elghana.com/medical-volunteer-opportunities/
Job Duration: 1 to 3 months
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Our volunteer opportunities harness your potential, skills, passion and abilities to make a difference in the lives of children, young people and women in poor villages in Africa. Volunteer opportunities abroad help us provide healthcare and free medication to the poor villages without any healthcare facility.
Join our medical mission volunteer work in Africa if you are a doctor, nurse, healthcare worker, student nurse, medical student, pre-med student or interested in pursing a medical related course/career. The medical mission volunteer work is providing healthcare to poor villages in Africa with no healthcare facility and with none in sight of about 50 miles radius. As a group on medical mission, we go to these villages, met by the villagers and those from other villages nearby but non- accessible by car walk 30 minutes to 4 hours to receive healthcare and health education. We set up clinic under trees, in a local classroom, at the village square or inside a local church.

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