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Fondation des Femmes Actives pour la Promotion de lEducation de la Femme et de lEnfant
20325 awae maison rouge

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Last Updated: 10.24.12
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Countries/States Served: CM
People Utilized or Employed: Dental Hygiene, General Preventive Medicine, Infectious Disease, Emergency Medicine, Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, French, Spanish
Religious Affiliations:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
FAPEFE is a non-governmental, not for profit organization, working in Cameroon with Reg. No: 00330/RDA/JO6/BAPP . Since its inception in may 2001, the organization has been working with children/youths, parents, government bodies and intergovernmental bodies in the promotion of community welfare and youth education. It works to identify the needs of the child especially the rural child/youths, the underprivileged and the weaker section of the society through participatory approach.

Objectives :

Produce quality education for needy women , children and girls
Reduce the high illetteracy and under-education rate
Promote the economic, social and cultural development of youth
Promote environmental and agricultural education
Give basic professionnal, technical and classical education to underpriviledged young people
Protect and make known the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child through education
Assist the needy child irrespective of tribe, origin, sex or religion, in the domain of social welfare
Protect the child from sexual exploitation, child labour and forced child marriage
Assist children in prisons, orphanages, centers for the disabled and street children
Organize youth leadership training and youth exchange programs
Actively take part in the prevention of HIV/AIDS,Cholera and MAlaria especially in children/youths and women
Assist the government educational efforts and work with others organisations and associations following the same objectives.
FAPEFE’s Mission :

Offer and promote inclusive and integral quality education to the benefit of the disadvanteged and vulnerable children,women,orphans and disabled in low incomes areas as well as their social welfare.

Vision FAPEFE’s vision is a world in which all children are well educated with no distiction of gender,social origin or social status.

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