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Helping Hands Health Education
948 Pearl St.
Boulder,CO,80302,United States

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Last Updated: 12.27.05
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Countries/States Served: Nepal, Namibia, Vietnam
People Utilized or Employed: Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Nursing
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Helping Hands Health Education's main objective is to provide low cost and free quality medical services to the people of rural Nepal, Namibia and Vietnam and upgrade their health status. It seeks physicians in all specialties who are willing to serve two weeks or more in Nepa, Namibia and Vietnam. The organization operates three permanent clinics in Kathmandu, one permanent clinic in the village of Khandbari and seven temporary mobile clinics in various Nepali villages. It works with University of Namibia Health Clinic in Namibia and Thuan Thien Commune Health Clinic in Vietnam. Month long trips include two weeks of clinical work; volunteers may spend the other two weeks on an organized mountain trek in Nepal and Vietnama and on organized safari in Namibia. Volunteers must be in excellent physical condition.
Trips and Activities
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