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Hillside Health Care International
10201 W. Lincoln Ave. #107
West Allis,Wi,53227,United States

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Last Updated: 10.12.17
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Countries/States Served: BZ
People Utilized or Employed: Family Medicine, General Practitioner Doctor, Internal Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
Religious Affiliations:
University Affiliations: University of Wisconsin Medical School
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Current Job Openings (Paid Positions)
Medical Director needed in Hillside Clinic, Eldridgeville, Belize, Central America
Job Description: The Hillside Clinic is actively searching for a medical doctor who is licensed in h/her country of origin and qualifies for licensing to practice medicine in Belize. We are looking for a highly motivated person who is able to do the following: • Provide active precepting/teaching for medical, NP, PA students on clinical practice rotations. • Provide oversight for all patient encounters and promote a team oriented model of health care (10,000 visits annually) • Provide leadership for clinic activities in collaboration with the Clinic Director • Liaison to the stateside board of directors • Liaison to the Belize Ministry of Health • Liaison to other community organizations • Perform various administrative duties along-side administrative staff • Promote Hillside’s programs Benefits: Stipend, housing, 4 weeks vacation per year
Job Duration: More than 1 year
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Hillside Health Care International is recruiting for the Medical Director at Hillside Clinic is southern Belize to start mid-December 2017. The term for this position is 1 - 2 years. It is an opportunity to precept international medical students in patient care and global health while providing medical care to one of the most underserved districts in Belize.

The Medical Director has primary responsibility for the provision of patient care and educational programs at Hillside Clinic. The position works in close collaboration with the Clinic Director and maintains a supportive, professional and collaborative leadership role with all program directors, volunteers, staff, stateside operations, and Board of Directors.
Trips and Activities
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