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International humanity foundation
US Head Office International Humanity Foundation 4311 Pavlov Ave.
San Diego,92122,Kenya

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 12.25.18
Web Site | Email Organization | Telephone No.
Countries/States Served: ID, KE, TH
People Utilized or Employed: Nurse, Nursing, Physician Assistant, EMT/Paramedic , Emergency Medicine, Nursing, EMT Basic, Family Medicine, Medical Student, Pediatrics
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Optometry Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
Religious Affiliations:
University Affiliations:
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Reviews of International humanity foundation volunteer programs:
10  Reviews of . | Write a Review

A Truly Rewarding Experience | Rating: 1
I am currently volunteering with the International Humanity Foundation in Bali, Indonesia. I can honestly say it has been the most eye-opening and rewarding experience of my life. Away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist areas, you see the true poverty in which many people of Bali live. For those children and their families living in remote areas where there is little or no infrastructure, IHF provides much needed support. By providing free lessons in English, maths and computer skills IHF makes a real difference to the lives of these children. The centre is a safe and caring environment where the children are happy to come, and they light up our day! It is a joy to see them so eager to learn and it is a pleasure to see them interact with their friends in such a friendly environment. If you are undecided about volunteering, let me assure you that it is the best thing I have ever done! There are certainly challenges involved, but if you are not adverse to hard work and you truly want to open your eyes to how most of the world lives, please consider dedicating your time and effort to IHF.
Posted Sep 18 2009 at 3:13 AM    By Corinne

Commentary on the International Humanity Foundation (IHF) | Rating: 0.1
We strongly believe in transparency and that everyone involved with IHF has the right to know what exactly is happening at their centers. In summary, the IHF Center in Nakuru, Kenya is not like what is seems to be on the IHF website. The Center has fundamental problems including collecting donations for non-existent projects, lacking a government license and producing cases of child pregnancy. Please read the letter on www.ihf-volunteers.info. For more information and visual material, you may join our Facebook Group titled "Commentary on the International Humanity Foundation (IHF)" and read the personal blog on www.travelpod.com/members/muratcan. We wish you better luck than what we have had...
Posted Jun 4 2009 at 8:31 AM    By

A Truly Rewarding Experience | Rating: 1
I am currently volunteering with the International Humanity Foundation in Bali, Indonesia. I can honestly say it has been the most eye-opening and rewarding experience of my life. Away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist areas, you see the true poverty in which many people of Bali live. For those children and their families living in remote areas where there is little or no infrastructure, IHF provides much needed support. By providing free lessons in English, maths and computer skills IHF makes a real difference to the lives of these children. The centre is a safe and caring environment where the children are happy to come, and they light up our day! It is a joy to see them so eager to learn and it is a pleasure to see them interact with their friends in such a friendly environment. If you are undecided about volunteering, let me assure you that it is the best thing I have ever done! There are certainly challenges involved, but if you are not adverse to hard work and you truly want to open your eyes to how most of the world lives, please consider dedicating your time and effort to IHF.
Posted Sep 17 2009 at 6:26 AM    By Corinne

IHF Jakarta Volunteer | Rating: 0.9
As I have never taught classes before, it definitely presented challenges that I wasn't quite prepared for. It was frustrating at times but overall my 6 months of volunteer teaching English/Maths/Computers was so rewarding, I even came back a second time! Thank you IHF Jakarta! Kelly
Posted Nov 22 2009 at 7:44 PM    By

Volunteering at Jakarta center | Rating: 1
At the moment I am volunteering at the Jakarta center and I am very happy to be able to share my experience with you about International Humanity Foundation. My daily routine consists of local and international tasks. For local task, I teach different levels of English. I enjoy preparing for my classes and being able to help children to improve their English skills. For International task I have the opportunity to help by trying to get sponsorship, new volunteers, organizing events, etc. Life at the center is very busy and everyday I learn something new about the kids, Indonesian customs, traditions and IHF functions. Thanks to our center directors everything is very organized, disciplined. At the center we live like a big family, we share our daily routine, we organize family meetings, do our daily activities, play various games, do aerobic, on our day off we go sightseeing and enjoy being together. I am very thankful to IHF for this opportunity and I am very happy to be able to work with them.
Posted Oct 16 2009 at 7:29 PM    By

A wonderful organisation! | Rating: 1
I'm volunteering at the IHF centre in Banda Aceh, and it's just an incredible set-up here. We have Maths, English and Computer classes 6 days a week, the kids are so well cared for, they go to school, do their homework, play games and are happy. IHF's volunteers do the admin tasks for the charity so that all the sponsor and donor money gets to go straight to the children. I'm so happy to be able to volunteer here!
Posted Jan 14 2010 at 7:14 PM    By

My experience Chiang Rai Orphanage | Rating: 1
My name is Claire, I'm 23 from London. After graduating from university I wanted to do some traveling; as I would be going solo, I chose Thailand. Though I also wanted to do some worthwhile volunteering with children with people I respected. Whilst researching, I had stumbled across IHF and I am so glad I did. Before I got on a plane, I was assigned to three international task teams to which I dedicated an hour or two a week. As I got to work, I began to realize what a network of dedicated people are behind IHF. It took a bit of getting used to but I liked that the organization was purely volunteer run - and I was now a part of this!! I was to spend a month at the Chiang Rai Orphanage before I went backpacking through Thailand, it was good grounding for me before I set off on my travels. Meeting the children was wonderful and I enjoyed teaching them English. My international hours became a four hour daily task as well as now having local hours - and I felt it was all worthwhile. It has been an intense and unique experience living in the orphanage and working for IHF, and a brilliant opportunity to really see how a dedicated non profit organization functions. I managed to relax and do a bit of sigh-seeing on my day's off which was lovely - especially a day trek into the jungle where I got to see exactly the type of hill tribe villages where these children are from. It was hard to hear about some of the backgrounds they were saved from but so inspiring to see how they enjoy life everyday now. If you are thinking about joining the International Humanity Foundation, just do it.
Posted Mar 13 2010 at 2:15 AM    By

On line volunteering helps | Rating: 1
I joined for IHF a month ago. Since then I'm doing weekly on line work for them and it really helps...for me as well , to feel better and to meet overgoing and nice people withing the orgnization. I am doing my pretrip hours before travveling to a center to begin my on site volunteer work...I'm really excited about that as well. But we need some more people as we are also...I hope more young ones begin to think as we do , and join to us to help children and learn about poverty.
Posted Apr 22 2010 at 1:47 AM    By

Volunteering in Banda Aceh and Nakuru | Rating: 0.9
I joined IHF almost a year and a half ago now, and have had the most fantastic experience with them. Just over a year ago I volunteered at their centre in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, for one month and I very recently started my role as centre director in Nakuru, Kenya. IHF has provided me with a challenging yet rewarding, life changing and irreplaceable experience. I would happily recommend joining IHF. While , due to IHF having very few paid staff, there may be slight inefficiencies in the admin and running of the organisation, this minimal number of paid staff makes IHF what it is: an open, transparent and honest grassroots organisation. I personally struggle to find any other organisation I can trust as much as I can IHF.
Posted Sep 9 2010 at 10:42 PM  

Volunteering in Banda Aceh and Nakuru | Rating: 0.9
I joined IHF almost a year and a half ago now, and have had the most fantastic experience with them. Just over a year ago I volunteered at their centre in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, for one month and I very recently started my role as centre director in Nakuru, Kenya. IHF has provided me with a challenging yet rewarding, life changing and irreplaceable experience. I would happily recommend joining IHF. While , due to IHF having very few paid staff, there may be slight inefficiencies in the admin and running of the organisation, this minimal number of paid staff makes IHF what it is: an open, transparent and honest grassroots organisation. I personally struggle to find any other organisation I can trust as much as I can IHF.
Posted Sep 9 2010 at 10:38 PM  
Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
About us

The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) offers a unique Volunteer Internship position at our Nakuru, Kenya children’s home for medical and nursing students. Together with your help, we aim to improve health awareness among our children, their families and our local community. As a Work Study Volunteer, you would complete four hours of local work and four hours of international work a day alongside an international staff dedicated to global development and helping children have access to more opportunities. You will have substantial responsibilities and be a valued part of a grassroots not-for-profit NGO at the ground level.

About the role

This position offers the opportunity to gain health-related experience in a low income setting to enhance your CV and set you apart from your peers. You will develop skills related to health promotion and community education, and will practise hands-on application of your medical skills by directly treating minor health problems of the children. You will also learn intimately about the international issues of education, human rights, abuse and poverty as well as local issues such as indigenous rights, land tenure, and ethnic conflicts.

Most importantly, you will be substantially helping those who do not otherwise have the means to access quality and affordable health care. By passing on your knowledge to local leaders, your efforts will result in sustainable, long-term changes. You may even have the opportunity to develop and run your own health program – this can be focused around any specific interests you have in your current studies relevant to the center’s needs.

For your international tasks you will be assigned teams made up of volunteers from other centers, and you will work on administrative tasks not just for the Nakuru center, but for the whole organization. Your tasks may include producing media content, assisting with fundraising efforts and generating online outreach efforts to promote our organization’s goals and projects. We will particularize your tasks to suit your skill set, so that your expertise in health care benefits all IHF centers. This is a great opportunity to experience the overall management of an international organization and receive training in a multi-level, multifaceted work environment. Before arrival at the center, you will already become a part of the team by completing pre-trip tasks with our international teams to gain an understanding of the kind of work you will be doing.

IHF is run entirely by volunteers, including center co-Directors, fostering a unique work setting. The co-directors at the center will supervise you, listen to your ideas and acknowledge your contributions.

Our organization will work with your university to award you credit whenever possible and will try to comply with any guidelines to secure grant or scholarship funding available at your university.


● You must be fluent in written and spoken English.
● We prefer candidates who have completed at least the first year of a medical degree or have a basic qualification as a Registered or Community Nurse (newly qualified graduates are welcome).
● We are looking for people who know basic first aid – a St John’s Ambulance certificate would be desirable— and hold a current Criminal Records Bureau certificate (UK) or International Police Safety Clearance.
● Experience working or volunteering with children is a major plus.
● Each IHF center is a product of its environment and follows the cultural code and norms of its host country. So must our staff and interns. Our volunteers must have high inter-cultural sensitivity and be tolerant to different views and ways of life.
● The duration of the program is 4 weeks (fixed).
● Minimum age 18 years old.


We provide basic accommodation and food at our centers, where you will live with your co-workers. Unfortunately, as a nonprofit, we are unable to provide these amenities freely and we charge $75 per week.
We are not able to cover travel or insurance expenses or any other related costs, but we will help you with your travel and visa planning. We will also try to comply with guidelines to secure any grant or scholarship funding available at your university.

Long Term Work Study

For those volunteers interested in a longer commitment and even more fulfilling experience, we also offer an extended version of the program- Long Term Work Study.
It is a perfect opportunity to significantly change the lives of our children through the work on various long term projects such as: improving the marks and personal guidance, improving the behaviour, fundraising projects and many more.
You will leave IHF with new highly transferable skills, a better understanding of international NGOs, and an unforgettable experience that will last the rest of your life.
The conditions of the program:
- The program is only available in Bali, Indonesia (3 months fixed) and Nakuru, Kenya (2-12 months)
- We charge 75$ per week for the first 4 weeks of your stay and 55$ per week for any subsequent weeks.
- The minimum age is 21 years old.


Please familiarize yourself further with our organization reading the IHF Annual report 2014 that contains the latest information about IHF Centers, Programs, Achievements, Finances and many more at http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/1317609/1928b08739/TEST/TEST/ and our our blog where you can find stories of current and former volunteere http://ihfblog.wordpress.com/home/.

We were given a 2013 Inspiring Story - Responsible Tourism Award! Read more about it at http://rt.wildasia.org/2013/10/25/2013-inspiring-stories-destinations/.

See our great ratings at http://greatnonprofits.org/reviews/international-humanity-foundation-1/.

If you have any questions about our organization or programs, please contact volunteering@ihfonline.org

If you are ready to apply, please send your CV to applications@ihfonline.org.

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