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Irvine Regional Hospital and Medical Center
16200 Sand Canyon Avenue
Irvine,CA,92618-3714,United States

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Last Updated: 11.07.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Irvine Regional Hospital and Medical Center today is a full service, 176 private room hospital, equipped to handle various inpatient and outpatient procedures.

Irvine Regional Hospital and Medical Center??s Volunteer program was formed in 1987, before the hospital was opened. The goal of our volunteers is to provide excellent service to our patients and to assist IRHMC in promoting health and welfare in our community.

Our volunteers work in many areas of the hospital, doing many tasks, with a variety of shifts to choose from, including weekends. Some of the areas we place volunteers include:
-Surgery waiting room
-Critical Care Unit
-Emergency room
-Gift Shop
-Volunteer room

Part of our commitment as volunteers is to give back to our community. One of the ways we do this is by offering scholarships to local students. Every year scholarships are given to Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College to distribute to students studying health care and other related areas. These funds are from the Gift Galleria profits.

We also provide several Memorial Scholarships for graduating seniors and employees entering or continuing study in health care and other related areas.
Trips and Activities
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