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Lakeland Regional Medical Center
1324 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland,FL,33805,United States

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Last Updated: 03.20.07
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Countries/States Served: FL
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers, Nursing, Social Work
Types of Students Allowed:
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Patient Information needed for
Opportunity Description: Only enthusiastic and outgoing persons need to apply for our patient information desk. Here our Volunteers field all patient information calls and connect friends and family to the patient?s room. Minimal computer experience is helpful. Patience and compassion is a must. We have openings on all weekdays, evenings and weekends.
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Medical Records needed for
Opportunity Description: Every time a person is admitted to our institution, we need to locate and retrieve their file from the thousands of files we have stored in our Medical Records department and deliver it to the floor. Medical Records is certainly not the most glamorous or exciting area our volunteers give service, but the impact they have on our ability to respond to the needs of our patients is immeasurable. This is the ideal position for someone with limited mobility as this is a seated position that does not require walking.
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Nightingale Nurse needed for
Opportunity Description: Are you a retired or inactive RN or LPN? As a Nightingale Nurse Volunteer at LRMC you will have the privilege of spending time one-on-one with a patient who needs YOU, and what only YOU can provide - things that do not require the skills of a nurse, just the heart of a nurse. Positions open weekdays, evenings and weekends.
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Emergency Room needed for
Opportunity Description: Our staff is looking for volunteers to escort patients to the treatment area, run tests to and from the labs, sit with a frightened patients while they wait for family to arrive, help re-stock supplies and many other challenging and rewarding tasks to help people at their most critical time of need. If you have the time, energy and the interest, our ER is for you. The ER is open 24/7 and volunteers are needed round the clock.
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Lakeland Regional Medical Center is committed to providing patient-focused, health care services while continuing to improve the quality of care to our patients, families, guests and physicians.
Volunteering at Lakeland Regional Medical Center is not only a great way to help your community, it is a great way to help yourself While performing many valuable services for our patients, families and staff, volunteers have the opportunity to:
Learn or develop skills
Gain work experience
Build self-esteem and self-confidence
Improve health
Meet new people
Feel needed and valued
Make a difference in someone?s life
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Lakeland Regional Medical Center.