A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
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MIMA Foudation
P.O. Box 7133
Jupiter,FL,33468-7133,United States

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Last Updated: 01.01.06
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Countries/States Served: Bolivia, Peru
People Utilized or Employed: Surgery-General, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
To provide medical care to indigent populations and underserved individuals who cannot otherwise access health care. MIMA Foundation, Inc. is a local volunteer medical organization that was formed by local physicians, nurses and anesthetists in the Palm Beach County area. The team sends medical specialists each year to Third World Countries that have limited or unavailable medical care for the indigent population. All the members are volunteers; no one is a paid employee and all funds are raised by the team members. It costs approximately $1200 to send a team member on a trip, and all donations are tax deductible. MIMA Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization recognized by the IRS. Founded in 1995, MIMA is 100% funded by private charitable, tax-deductible donations. There are no paid employees and all labor, supplies and funds are donated. The organization coordinates with area hospitals, pharmaceutical representatives and local businesses to collect needed items. All supplies are brought by the team to the host country. MIMA is funded primarily from private individuals...your help is needed. ? To share medical knowledge with health care providers to insure continuity of care. Our first trip was to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where we found great need for our services. For the next three years, Cochabamba was our destination and we will return there this year. In 1999, we made our first trip to Peru and in the wake of Hurricane Mitch some of our team members assisted in Honduras. MIMA has consulted with more than 1,000 patients and performed more than 500 surgeries. For many of our patients, MIMA offers the only hope of obtaining desperately needed surgical services.
Trips and Activities
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