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Porter Adventist Hospital
2525 South Downing Street
Denver,CO,80210-5876,United States

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 08.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CO
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
In truth, life is all about connecting?Xconnecting with yourself and the world around you.

Making that connection can be as simple as donating a few hours of your time each week volunteering at Porter. With over 20 different areas of the hospital to volunteer, the opportunities are endless and can be tailored to your talents and interests.

Like to be at the center of things? Help at the Information Desk.
Have a green thumb? Assist in the floral shop.
Working toward a career in education or simply love children? Make a difference in the Child Development Center.
Join volunteers ages 14 to 80 from all walks of life, including retirees, students, young professionals, homemakers and grandparents. Learn, teach and share. Make an impact with them.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Porter Adventist Hospital.