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Revjohn Katundu

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Last Updated: 06.27.13
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
I wish to request your partnership to rescue lives of children and youth who are in bodge of poverty and cannot afford education in Kenya. for more visit www.barakachildrenfamily.org My name is Rev. John Katundu and I’m a born again Christian, Senior Pastor with DELIVERANCE CHURCH - SOFIA and founding director of BARAKA TECHNICAL COLLEGE/ORPHANS CENTER My prayers daily is that God to enable me to fight poverty disease the root cause of acceleration of deaths related to HIV/AIDS causing innocent children to supper and lack parental love at a very tentative age in this region. This project being a wing of evangelism to the community is taking care of 240 young boys and girls who never continue with formal education due to poverty situation. Majorities are orphans and are over 14 years of age. This center trains them vocational skills like tailoring, mechanics and a little of farming for two years leading to self reliance Baraka technical college., chief excutive officer, , YATTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMM, CHIEF EXCUTIVE OFFICER, ,
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