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Saint Agnes Medical Center
1303 East Herndon Avenue
Fresno,CA,93720-3309,United States

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 09.25.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Volunteers are a very important part of the Saint Agnes team and are deeply appreciated by the staff and physicians they support With the opening of our new building expansion, the need for volunteers has been greatly increased. By donating a few hours every other week, you can make a positive difference for the Medical Center and its patients.

With the demands of modern medicine, doctors and nurses cant always provide the extra comfort and attention that patients and their families may need. Saint Agnes volunteers can provide that personal touch and assist the hospital staff in a hundred different ways. In return, our volunteers enjoy the deep satisfaction that comes from helping those in need ? making new friends and expanding job skills along the way.

Our volunteer program was born in November 1953 when four friends got together over a game of bridge and began discussing ways they could help Saint Agnes hospital. Before the game concluded, the Saint Agnes Service Guild was born. Within four months, 35 charter members were recruited and the Guild held its first fundraiser, donating 400 to benefit the hospitals new maternity wing.

As our needs have expanded, the program has evolved as well. Today, approximately 1,000 men, women, and teens (ages 14 to 17) volunteer in nearly every department of the Medical Center. We are always eager to bring dedicated individuals into our volunteer program. After attending one of our regularly scheduled orientations, volunteers are trained within the service area of their choice.

Volunteer opportunities include:
Adult Day Health Center
Baby Immunization Tracking
The California Eye Institute at Saint Agnes
Cancer Center
Center for Spiritual Care
Club 55 Plus
Emergency Department
Footsteps Program (for grieving children)
Gift Shop
Greeting Service
Home Health Care
Hospice Program
Humor and Music Program
Information Desk
Junior Volunteers
Lifeline (Emergency Response System)
Menu Delivery
Nursing Unit
Outpatient Escort
Secretarial Support
Shopping Cart
Stork Tour
Trips and Activities
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