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San Joaquin Community Hospital
2615 Eye Street
Bakersfield,CA,93301-2006,United States

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 09.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Volunteers make a real difference in the lives of our patients, visitors and staff members and we are extremely grateful to have so many dedicated to achieving our goals. Whether it takes the form of supporting our hospital services with many hours of comfort and assistance or pledges and donations earmarked for patient care equipment, our patients are truly blessed by their continued support.

Becoming a volunteer starts with a desire to help others by donating your time and talent. As a volunteer, you will work with our hospital staff to provide quality care to patients and assist in meeting the needs of our patients and their family and visitors.

We offer three different Volunteer programs:

Auxiliary Volunteer Program
For more than 33 years, the SJCH Auxiliary has been providing valuable services while also contributing to the growth and success of this non-profit community hospital. Volunteers contribute thousands of hours each year to provide vital hospital services, community outreach and fundraising efforts.

A typical shift for an Auxiliary volunteer might include managing or assisting with sales in the Gift Shop, greeting and directing visitors, providing assistance on the nursing floors or in the ER and the birth center, just to name a few. Volunteers also provide needed clerical assistance in various administrative offices.

Whether you are new to the area or a long-time Bakersfield resident, the Auxiliary is always looking for new friends to join our support group and provide needed volunteer services to the hospital.

Junior Volunteer Program
Do you know someone age 15-18 who is interested in the medical field or looking for a way to give back to the community? Perhaps being a SJCH Junior Volunteer is the program for them

San Joaquin offers three Junior Volunteer sessions per year, which run concurrently to the school year.

Junior Volunteers must:

Be 15 years of age or older
Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5
Provide a copy of current school transcripts or report card
A recommendation from a non-related adult with the completed form
Wear the Junior Volunteer uniform (25 cost to you)
Attend the mandatory orientation sessions
Smile and have a great time

Volunteer Pastoral Caregiver Program
Realizing hospitalization can be a very traumatic experience, SJCH helps bring emotional support to patients and their families by linking patients with volunteer pastoral caregivers. These volunteers have received training in how to deal with the problems faced by patients and their families, and are able to provide emotional support in a way our clinical staff is not.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for San Joaquin Community Hospital.