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Countries/States Served:
People Utilized or Employed:
Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Prepharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students, Optometry Students, Preoptometry Students |
Program Length:
Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills:
English, Spanish
Religious Affiliations:
University Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Tabling needed for
More than 1 year
Opportunity Description:
Tabling is a great way to raise awareness of NYODN, its campaigns and our organization. We do tabling as a way to promote awareness of organ and tissue donation, to take action and sign up on the Registry. "To table" (the word table in verb form) is to set up an actual table covered with information and eye-catching displays, staffed by knowledgeable and eager volunteers (that's you), to educate and involve people in their campaigns
Total Number of Volunteers Needed:
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Office Assistance needed for
More than 1 year
Opportunity Description:
We often need volunteers to assist with writing volunteer job descriptions, setting up volunteer orientation courses, conduct volunteer screening interviews, help with volunteer placement, record keeping, and recognition. As well, we need volunteers to assemble volunteer packets, stamp brochures, and distribute information in the neighborhood as necessary. Additionally, volunteers are needed to help with filing, to do office work, assist with mailings, prepare materials for workshops, and assist with computer data entry. The Communications Department is always looking for experienced volunteers with telephone sales experience to work on the Workplace Partnership for Life Campaign. Also, we need assistance in creating our press books, working on the various campaigns, writing articles for our newsletters and Web site , assisting in Family Services, etc. In the volunteer department, we will need help organizing our volunteer recognition party and to plan parties for our functions such as new member receptions. As well assistance is needed in contacting retailers, labs, manufacturers, schools, and others in the health care industry to ask for their support in the form of sponsorship and to make phone calls and/or visits, send out promo packages, and help maintain database.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed:
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Phone Calls / Event Volunteers needed for
More than 1 year
Opportunity Description:
We are constantly updating our database by calling our volunteers and trying to keep everyone informed. NYODN needs out-going, articulate volunteers to make phone calls to vendors for possible financial contributions for our volunteer events and to determine if it is possible for them to become Workplace Partners.
We have many special events that we need assistance with, which include: Volunteer Appreciation Day; Black History Month; National Donate Life Month; National Hispanic Heritage Month: National Donor Sabbath/Celebrations of Life Month: Transplant Games 2008; Legislate Day: and much more.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed:
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Writing needed for
More than 1 year
Opportunity Description:
There are literally hundreds of ways you can give your time online; the only limit is your imagination. We need assistance in editing our Web site, doing Internet research and data analysis of various topics, translations, and writing and editing articles. Anyone can be an online volunteer. Virtual volunteering is suitable for all people who have regular, reliable access to a computer and the Internet. There are particular skills that are of value to NYODN. These include proven writing ability, Web design, programming knowledge, life experience in transplantation, knowledge of another language, etc. These volunteers will need regular and reliable access to a computer and the Internet. Also, we are always looking for writing assistants. These volunteers will assist with proofreading, editing pages and grammatical corrections used for print material and for the Web site.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Our vision is to be trusted leaders in the field of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. We also envision universal acceptance of organ and tissue donation as a fundamental societal value. With this universal acceptance, all organs and tissues suitable for donation will be transplanted, and the urgent demand for organs and tissues will be met. The New York Organ Donor Network is dedicated to the recovery of organs and tissues for people in need of life-saving and life-improving transplants.
Additionally, we are committed to increasing awareness and fostering an understanding of organ and tissue donation among health care professionals and the general public. With respect and compassion, we will provide individuals and their families with the knowledge required to make informed decisions about donation.
Our values include understanding, sensitivity and respect for all individuals with whom we come into contact with in the pursuit of our mission, honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness, empathy and compassion, ethical conduct, fiscal responsibility and professional excellence.