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Volunteer BaseCamp
4322 North Shore Rd
Perth Road,ON,K0H2L0,CA

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Last Updated: 05.03.14
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Countries/States Served: CR, EC, GH, NP, TZ
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Premedical Students, Dental Students, Predental Students, Nursing Students, Prenursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Prepharmacy Students, Veterinary Students, Preveterinary Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English, Spanish
Religious Affiliations:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)

Volunteer Abroad
BaseCamps Volunteer Abroad Program is one of the longest running and most affordable international volunteer programs in the world. Since 1998, our Volunteer Abroad Program has coordinated international volunteers working on projects with small community groups, non-governmental organizations and institutions seeking volunteer assistance.

From our roots as a student-run volunteer abroad program, we have grown to become a leader in coordinating well vetted and successful international volunteer programs. We pride ourselves on providing the information, support and training that we believe is essential for a volunteer abroad experience to be safe and meaningful. We understand that there can be challenges when looking for an opportunity to volunteer abroad, and know that our program provides you with the most detailed information and in-country training and support at the lowest cost.

Our goal is that your volunteer abroad placement is as well matched to your interests and expectations as possible. We want to ensure that well before you are paying any fees and comiting to a volunteer program, you fully understand the details of the placement and what you might expect as a volunteer. Your placement coordinator is also available to answer any further questions or provide more detail about the placements with which you have been matched.

Our Volunteers In Action!
Trips and Activities
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