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Waves of Mercy
2 Bereiny Rd
Honiara,ZZ,Solomon Islands

I would like to make a volunteering
inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 07.10.08
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Countries/States Served: Solomon Islands
People Utilized or Employed: Trauma Surgery, Surgery-General, Public Health, Pediatrics, Pediatric Dentistry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nursing, Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, Hematology and Oncology, General Preventive Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Anesthesiology, Allergy and Immunology
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month) and Long Term (Greater than 1 month)
Language Skills: English
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Dentist or dental assistant needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: Description: We are looking for longer term volunteers who are willing to do chair side teaching as well as handle the more complicated cases in Isabel Province of the Solomon Islands. The current dental service is a mess and one of the main problems will be helping to get a proper dental out reach program in place. We need a healthy energetic \"Jack of all dental trades\" who is not afraid of living on a tropical South Pacific island and having some pretty amazing adventures while helping some very friendly and hard working people develop there own dental service system. An MD we have on site now claims his grass roofed house on the beach is the most comfortable accommodation he has ever had. He calls it \"5 star rustic luxury\"
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 2
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Training nurse (General Practices) needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: We are looking for longer term volunteers who are willing to do bed side teaching as well as handle the more complicated cases in Isabel Province of the Solomon Islands. The current level of the nurses training is a mess and one of the main problems will be helping to get a proper out reach program in place. We need a healthy energetic \"Jack of all nursing trades\" who is not afraid of living on a tropical South Pacific island and having some pretty amazing adventures while helping some very friendly and hard working people develop there own nursing service system. An MD we have on site now claims his grass roofed house on the beach is the most comfortable accommodation he has ever had. He calls it \"5 star rustic luxury\" The local nurses are very willing and learn quickly they simply have not had a chance to receive proper training in the practical skills a general nurse needs. That would be your job.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 2
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Health worker training needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: We are looking for longer term volunteers who are willing to do bed side teaching as well as with out reach programs in Isabel Province of the Solomon Islands. The current level of health worker training is poor and one of the main problems will be helping to get a proper out reach program in place. We need a healthy energetic \"Jack of all medical trades\" who is not afraid of living on a tropical South Pacific island and having some pretty amazing adventures while helping some very friendly and hard working people develop there own out reach service system. An MD we have on site now claims his grass roofed house on the beach is the most comfortable accommodation he has ever had. He calls it \"5 star rustic luxury\" The local health workers are very willing and learn quickly, they simply have not had a chance to receive proper training in the practical skills a general services health worker needs. That would be your job.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 2
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GP needed for 3 to 6 months
Opportunity Description: We are looking for longer term volunteers who are willing to do bed side teaching as well as handle some of the more complicated cases in Isabel Province of the Solomon Islands. Doctor Donald Kafa is the only doctor in the province and he needs good dependable back up. We need a healthy energetic \"Jack of all medical trades\" who is not afraid of living on a tropical South Pacific island and having some pretty amazing adventures while helping this hard working doctor develop his provinces health services. An MD we have on site now claims his grass roofed house on the beach is the most comfortable accommodation he has ever had. He calls it \"5 star rustic luxury\" Part of the job would be helping with staff training at all levels. The people there are very willing and learn quickly, they simply have not had a chance to receive proper training in the practical skills. That would be a big part of your job.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 1
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
We at Waves of Mercy truly believe that we can make an important difference to many peoples lives by applying our talents, skills, and experience in order to assist others less fortunate than we are. When you volunteer to support one of our programs you become a key element for the success of that program. All of our programs are designed as hands on training courses for our local counter parts. As you work together it will be your job to teach as much as you can to your local counter part. The real success of the program will depend on how well you pass along your skills and experience. The people you will work with are not interested in charity, although they will be glade of the extra help. What they really want, and need, is training so that long after you have left they can continue to provide better medical and dental services to there people.
Trips and Activities
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