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Sacramento Regional Medical Reserve Corps to develop a four county regional effort to enlist medical professionals for public health events.

Sacramento, California (USA) (2/9/2006) - - The Sacramento Regional Medical Reserve Corps(SRMRC) was created after the 2002 Presidential release of the USA Freedom Corps Intiniatives designed to engage citizen volunteers in opportunities to actively participate in higher levels of disaster preparedness in their communities. The Sacramento Regional Medical Reserve Corps announced today that it is developing into a four county regional effort to enlist active and retired medical professionals in increasing the capabilities of our Public Health and Emergency responders in the event of a mass destructive event, whether it be natural or man made.

The Sacramento Regional Medical Reserve Corps has developed a partnership with the Sacramento Regional Office of Homeland Security working group and has been fully integrated into the overall emergency response plans for the community. Working together with many of the designated emergency responders and public health agencies in the region, the SRMRC has been involved and partcipated in six(6) major disaster prepaedness exercises in the last fourteen(14)months with two more scheduled for later this year.

The Sacramento Regional Medical Reserve Corps (SRMRC) was created in August 2003 and designed to provide our community (region) with highly trained medical and non-medical support teams to enhance capabilities when responding to catastrophic events. This team is trained as an all hazard response teams which have been trained and exercised when addressing issues such as surge capacity (mass casualty situations), mass care and shelter, fragile care and mass prophylaxis. Currently we have six (6) operational teams capable of being deployed. Each team consists of 2 physicians, 6 nurses, 6 medical support and 6 non-medical support teams, we also have a logistics team to support their activities.

The SRMRC is a registered non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization and has developed partnerships with the regional Public Health organizations, emergency responders and the Sacramento Regional Office of Homeland Security. This corps has been fully integrated with the regional emergency operations response plan and has participated in six (6) major disaster exercises in the last fourteen (14) months to test and streamline the integration of citizen volunteers in augmenting our regional emergency responders.

Recruiting physicians, nurses, paramedics, EMT's, Mental health professionals and other medical and non-medical support staff are critical to sustaining this regional effort in better preparing our communities to respond to and recover from large scale Disasters.

The SRMRC teams have been trained on the new NIMS mandate and would be deployed on request form the incident commander and could be assigned many different roles such as, triage and treatment centers, casualty collection points, assist public health in running mass prophylaxics clinics and provide medical support for shelter operations and care of the medical fragile population in our region.

By Paul Tassone, Bureau Commander Sheriff's Volunteer Services Bureau

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