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Youth in Stand OF Humanity and Developmental Action (YOSHUDEA) and Healthcare volunteer-Liberia | Full Report

On the date of September 27, 2008, at the hour of 5:00pm day, a serious disaster took place in Tappita district, Nimba County (Liberia) from a heavy rainfall. Houses were destructed and damaged due to the flow of water into four (4) major communities in Tappita district (Frog Island, By-pass, Pumpkan and the Mamo camp community), 2’225 people are effected and are now displace in schools and others temporary places as well

The emergency relief’s respond to the disaster:
YOSHUDEA and Healthcare volunteer-Liberia (partners) responded in a very critical approach to the situation, on the 3rd of October 2008, by few contributions/donations made by individuals in and out Liberia, through the thoughtful effort, in an urgent request made by YOSHUDEA and healthcare volunteer-Liberia, to meet the quick needs of the effected communities dwellers.

The organizations Executive and Country Director, Chester T. Neese, his co-workers and aided by Rev. Eleazer Gbengan from the Heritage Impact Service, Inc (non-governmental organization in Nimba county), donated 12bags of rice, 20 dozes of plastic plates, and 2 sacs of salt to the effected people through their communities leaders (superintendent and City major) of Tappita and is hoping to do more for the people in the nearer future.

The people from the tragedy resulted communities have decided to reposition themselves, due to the expectant circumstances that is to take place once more. In the relocation, they’re requesting for, a. shelter b. food c. clothes and d. Medication. The effected people in support with YOSHUDEA and Healthcare volunteer-Liberia partnership are calling on donors and international organizations to give hands of sustain to this development in attending to the present condition they face with.

Some effected people who spoke were:
1. Onana K. Gongbaye by-pass community
2. T. Onesimus Yleah pumpkan community
3. Editen Dain Mamo camp

Recommendation for change of problem
The Executive and Country Director Mr. Neese of YOSHUDEA and Healthcare volunteer-Liberia partner organizations is recommending the needs for an assistance in providing a humanitarian opportunities for the consequence people through the support of donors and other organizations who are willing to join the burning interventions.

General request
Please donate and support the emergency reliefs program. If you want to donate, you can request for the donation and support forms.
Contact Address    
Chester T. Neese   Neil (esh) Patel
Executive and Country Director   Founder/CEO
YOSHUDEA and Healthcare volunteer-Liberia   Healthcare Volunteer
Benson and Macdonald Streets, Tolbert building   Headquarter, EL Paso, Texas, USA
P.O.BOX: 1444,   Email:
Monrovia, Liberia   neil.patel@healthcarevolunteer.com
Emails:   Phone:
cneese_yoshudeainc06org@yahoo.com   0016504683631
