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mrika Obertinca
Member Since: August 12, 2008
Location: Pristina ZZ Yugoslavia

Last Updated: August 12, 2008

About Me:
Health Specialty: Nurse
Area of Focus: Haiti Port au Prince
Skills: Social skills and competences Communicative, reliable, transparent and good interpersonal interaction Organisational skills and competences - Able to prioritize and manage great volumes of work -Independently managing, prioritizing and organizing the workload. -Overall coordination and communication using self initiative. -Acting as a focal point for translation. -Maintain the quality of work under high time pressure and stress. Technical skills and competences Punctual, accurate, reliable keen to over duty hours, able to work under pressure Computer skills and competences Excellent knowledge of MS Office programmes, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, internet. Artistic skills and competences Music, writing, Other skills and competences Museums, Galleries, Concerts. Love to travel and meet different people, friends and different cultures. Driving licence Since 2006
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Available To Meet Other Members: yes
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Languages Spoken: Albanian. English, Italian(Fluent) Basic French and some Spanish
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